100 Fun Activities To Do On School Holidays

girl in red dress playing a wooden blocks

If you are looking for fun activities to do on school holidays – well we have 100 of them!

girl in red dress playing a wooden blocks

Ah, school holidays ? that glorious time when the alarm clock takes a break, the kitchen becomes a round-the-clock diner, and the daily grind of school lunches is but a distant memory.

School holidays are like that magical escape button we all press, whisking us away from the humdrum of textbooks and classroom routines. Whether you’re a parent looking to keep the kids engaged or a student eager to make the most of your break, we’ve got a treasure trove of 100 fun activities to sprinkle joy and excitement into your school holidays.

Fun School Holiday Activities to Do at Home

Do a Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles are tough – especially the really big ones that are 1000 pieces or over! It’s perfect to keep little (and big) hands and brains busy for hours and hours! Best of all it is something the whole family can enjoy together.

AND jigsaw puzzles are cheap activities considering that it doesn’t need so many tools to create or do to execute!

Make Some Homemade Finger Paint

Fingerpaint is really easy to make at home – and good fun to get a bit dirty too! To make homemade finger paint you’ll need:

  • 1/2 cup cornflour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 cups of cold water
  • food coloring

Mix them all together in a saucepan (get a grown-up to do this) until the mixture thickens, then take off the heat and let it cool.  That’s it!

Have fun painting!

boy in pink crew neck top with paints on his hands and face

Plant a Vegetable Patch in the Back Yard

It is a fact that kids that grow their own vegetables are much more likely to actually eat their veggies.  Spending time learning how to grow veggies over the school holidays is a fantastic way to get the kids outside and interested in the world around them. 

Start with a couple of plants like lettuce and tomatoes that are easy to grow.  See what vegetables the kids might like to try growing!

100 Fun School Holiday Ideas | Stay at Home Mum

Bake Some Biscuits

Kids love cooking – and the school holidays is a time when kids love to cook and love to eat! So choose a few easy biscuit recipes to make (we have some suggestions) and spend some time in the kitchen – licking bowls and trying the batter.

person baking cookies on tray

Have a MasterChef Competition at Home

This is a great activity for kids 8 and under for school holidays.  Keep the meals simple – something such as pizza (just the toppings for little kids) is perfect. This works especially well if the kids have a few friends over. Have a competition as to who makes the best pizza – you can be the judge.

Making the dough from scratch is fun (and tiring!) but very inexpensive. Plus an added bonus – you don’t have to cook dinner!

Here are some simple recipes for you to try:

little girl cooking

Start a Youtube Channel

All kids love watching their favourite YouTubers (but I’ll never get the kids who watch people play computer games – gah!). But actually getting the kids to start their own channel teaches them so much!

Kids learn how much goes into writing the scene, setting up the camera and editing the footage. You never know – they might be the next Dude Perfect!

This is a great activity for Tech-Savvy kids (particularly gaming boys!).

We have step by step instructions right here!

How to Become a Professional Youtuber
Dude Perfect is one of the most popular Youtuber Channels

Play Some Board Games over the School Holidays

Board Games are hell fun – and with the internet, it’s almost like kids have forgotten just how fun they are. Parents should get involved too – it’s a fun family activity. Plus many board games are fantastically educational too! For example, Rumikub can be a bit tricky to learn, but it teaches maths and strategy. If you have an only child that has no one to play board games with – you can always get online versions!

Games like solitaire can be good individual games for only children. Online games are also perfect for trying new board games. For example, you can play Yahtzee online. If you like, you can always play with real dice. Sometimes online games can be a good substitute as well. Playing online cribbage means you don?t have to buy a cribbage board, and you can find others online to play against. 

Do a Bedroom Makeover

It is pretty hard to plan re-arranging your kids’ bedrooms during the school term, so might as well do this on their school holiday. Spruce up your bedroom decor and activate your child’s makeover ideas! A great way to spend a day or two over the school holidays!

assorted rubber duckies on white surface

Take a FREE Virtual Museum Tour

There are world-renown Museum’s all over the world – and now you can do a virtual tour of most of them! See Museums such as:

  • The Louve in Paris
  • The British Museum in London
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
  • See the Van Gouch Museum in Amsterdam
  • See the Boston Children’s Museum
  • Check out the Smiothsonian National Museum of Natural History
  • The Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Easter Island
  • The Uffizi Gallery in Florence
  • The NASA Glenn Research Centre

Find out here to get onto the virtual tours here ->

12 Virtual Museum Tours for Kids You Can Do Right This Second | Stay at Home Mum
12 Virtual Museum Tours for Kids You Can Do Right This Second

Make your own Indoor Obstacle Course

Choose the activities that match your kid’s skill level, or might as well have them choose the activities. You can be creative in making your own family-friendly obstacle course, like a laser maze. You can set this up in for your kids to climb through, using a red yarn or ribbon.

Have a Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunts are super fun and you can have them for all ages (even adult versions!). How it works is that you have a list of specific items (or hints) for what the kids have to find.

Play hidden objects (in a sandbox) game

Little ones can’t get enough digging for goodies inside a sandbox. Using balls with numbers, letters, shape sorting cubes or those cute hide n’ seek squeak eggs are better options than small toys. Ask Daddy to build a sandbox instead of purchasing one.

little boy playing in the sand

Watch Some Classic Movies

If it’s raining outside, why not show the kids some of the movies that you loved as a child and have a fun movie day.

If you are stuck for ideas – here are 38 Classic Movies to Watch with the kids!

Remember Encino Man??

Give Your Dog a Bubble Bath

Bathing a dog is as fun as just playing under a sprinkler – and you will get just as wet!. So prepare your giant metal pail, doggy shampoo and start wish-washing your cute dog!

brown chihuahua

Have a Family Reading Day

One of the best ways to entice your kids to improve their reading skills is by reading with the family — not only surrounding them with reading materials to motivate them but reading it with them can help them more!

Reading out loud is a totally different skill from reading quietly to yourself.

Listen to Audio Books and Podcasts

Kids love listening to stories but it is just easier for some parents to let them listen to podcasts and audiobooks. Mums can run errands at home while the kid is busy holding the headphone to his ear.  Plus these are fantastic for playing in the car on a long trip to entertain the whole family!

Some fantastic podcasts to check out include:

  • Science Versus
  • The Story Seeds Podcast
  • Wow in the World
  • The Thrilling Adventure Hour
  • Aaron’s World
  • The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel
  • Story Pirates

Some great ideas for audiobooks to listen to with the kids include:

  • A Fortunate Life
  • The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrove
  • Matilda
  • All the Harry Potter Books
  • The Hobbit
  • Charlotte’s Web
photo of girl listening to music

Do Some Nail Art

This is a great bonding idea for mums and daughters. If you have the budget, there are many child-specific nail polish brands you can purchase for your little girls or grab an inexpensive nail kit.

Or if you are looking more for the real deal – check out the 12 Best ‘At Home’ Nail Kits for a DIY Manicure.

Hold a Magic Trick Show

If your child has an interest in magic tricks, then hold a magic trick show and invite his friends to watch him. There are loads of Youtube Channels that can teach your kids basic tricks to try at home. We love this Magic: The Amazing Vanishing Tiger Set!

Teach The Kids about Sorting and Recycling

Not only is recycling great for the environment but there are so many fun school holiday activities that you can do with recycling. Whether it is collecting bottles and cans to trade in for cash, or doing some creative art pieces using recycled goods. Keep the following items to use for arts and crafts at home:

Upcycled Craft Ideas for Valentines Day. Learn how to make an adorable tin lantern from an upcycled tin can! These easy DIY lanterns are made from just two recycled craft supplies: a tin can and a wire coat hanger. Perfect for rustic wedding, Valentines Day or a romantic dÃ?cor. The Art Of Up-Cycling: repurposed tin cans to lanterns.
More Reading: 15 Nifty Uses for Upcycling Baby Formula Tins

Get Some Chalk and Do Some Hopscotch or Handball

It’s fun to give the kids chalk and let them go crazy on the driveway concrete!  Perhaps the kids can have a game of Hopscotch! You can pick up chalk in the toy section of most supermarkets.

Other games that use chalk on the driveway include:

  • Hopscotch
  • Avoid the Shark
  • 4 Square
  • Alphabet Hop
  • Sidewalk Twister
  • Corners

Have a Picnic in the Back Yard

Prepare some lunch and lay out a picnic blanket in the backyard to have a family picnic. The kids can plan what foods they would like to include!

More Reading: 7 Adorable Picnic Blankets for Your 2024 Outdoor Adventures

Picnic Blankets | Stay At Home Mum

Water-Based Activities To Do on School Holidays

Go Swimming at a Local Pool

Well, this one is for summer – check out your local pool. It’s cheap to get in. All kids love swimming and there is always a nice shady spot for Mum to sit and read whilst Dad watches the kids! Sick of the local pool?

Visit one of the really big water parks – some of them have heated pools indoors!

Photo Credit: www.penhalonga.com
via thespaandfitnessclub.com

Take Your Dog to the Beach

Most dogs love the beach, and so as kids. Give them both the opportunity to experience the joy of romping on the sandy beach!

Photo Credit: http://adogbreeds.com
via happyschoolbreak.com

Build a Sandcastle at the Beach

Kids of all ages love building sandcastles or any structure on the beach, their imagination thrives in open-ended play.

Make sure you take your bucket and spade!

Photo Credit: http://thesomerset.com
via happyschoolbreak.com

Go Whale Watching

Countless coastlines around Australia are home to the most beautiful whales on the planet, the humpback!  See these curious giants close up – it is truly a wonderful experience for the whole family!

There are lots of places to get really good pricing on whale watching – try these:

Visit an Aquarium on a Really Hot Day

When the temperatures over the Christmas Holidays get up around the 40-degree mark – head to the local Aquarium!  Not only is it fascinating, but it is also cool!

Visit an Inflatable Water Park

My boys just adore the inflatable water parks – and they are fun for grown-ups too!  If you grab your tickets online – you can get a really good deal.  Inflatable Water Parks are all over Australia!

Image result for inflatable water park
via aflexinflatables.com

Water Gun War!

Water play is always great fun and gets the kids outside and off the screen! Entertain the kids for hours playing with water guns or water bombs are great fun too!

Grab a Slip and Slide

Oh remember when you were a kid and you added a bit too much soap and got it in every crevice… or sliding and hitting a rock that was under the slide? Oh, they were the good ole days. But seriously – slip and slides are awesome fun!

Run Through a Sprinkler in the BackYard

If you aren’t under any local water restrictions, this is a really fun activity, especially for little kids.  It’s a good way to keep cool too!  If you have a trampoline, think about putting the sprinkler under that and adding soap!

100 Fun School Holiday Ideas | Stay at Home Mum

Educational Activities To Do Over the School Holidays

Try Geocaching

Geocaching is a boredom-buster activity that can take place nearly anywhere. It enables children to continue learning and have fun at the same time. So how about taking your kids for a Geotour? Enjoy finding goodies!

Photo Credit: http://www.cachingbox.com

Conduct Some Home Science Experiments

Curious kids of all ages are always fascinated with the power of science! Kids can do science experiments at home with whatever they have on hand. Like creating chicken sounds from a cup, the arrow trick and the milk and coke experiment.

We love this massive erupting Volcano from Cool Things Australia!

Build an Ant Nursery Farm Home

You can create your own by using two jars with lids, one should be thinner and a little shorter than the other. Or if you prefer a flat one, you can purchase a skinny aquarium at a local store.

Alternatively, they are pretty cheap to purchase. We love this one and it’s easy to see what the ants are up to!

Play ‘Name That Place’ Game

Utilise your flat-screen TV for expanded viewing when playing this game. Download pictures and flags of famous places, create a slide show gallery, and have your kids guess the name of that place.

via thetravellerworldguide.com

Visit Your Local Library

There are lots of fun activities children can do on library visits along with other kids, bookmark contests, games, and lots more. Your local library always has loads of free activities over the Christmas Holidays so check out the list of things to do on your local library website!

Photo Credit: www.flickr.com
via eduquebrincando.com

Visit a Museum or see a Show

Learning fun facts and hunt details in museums have an advantage in preparing your child’s historical knowledge when the school holiday is over.

Photo Credit: wedonteatbugs.blogspot.com
via eduquebrincando.com.br
  • Imaginator – Brisbane:
    IMAGINATOR introduces a fresh approach to immersive play, merging imagination and technology to deliver a futuristic audio-visual gaming experience like no other.
  • Bluey’s Big Play – Brisbane: We all love Bluey – such an amazing experience to see the parents that teach us everything in the flesh!

Do Some ‘Behind the Scenes’ Tours

Have you ever wondered how the Sydney Cricket Ground operates – or the National Zoo?  Now you can do ‘Behind the Scenes’ tour to find out how the big machines work!

Places you can do behind the scenes tours include:

Take a Music Lesson

What if your child is the next The Voice (AU) winner? Many great singers started with playing the guitar or other musical instruments along with singing.

Ideas for music lessons include:

Photo Credit: www.fortemusiceducation.com
via hyperbrightstudios.com

Children can take inspiration from art galleries, so it is always good to take them to art exhibits. You never know your child might become one of the art legends one day.

Security Guard and Elementary Students at Art Gallery
via hercampus.com

Activities in Your Local Area to Enjoy on School Holidays

Become a Tourist in Your Very Own Place!

Some places to check out:

Visit a Local Park

Ohh yeah – you’ve heard that one before. But not just any park, get out the UBD or on the internet and find a park that you haven’t been to before. Many of the new Council playgrounds are marvellous.

There is water play, flying foxes, all sorts of do-be-watchits and thing-a-majigs! A lot of them are fun for parents too!

Photo Credit: www.waterplay.com
via ashleehusseyphoto.com

Plan a Farm Visit

Old school? Yes, it is not a unique activity but it never goes boring. You can do lots of activities on a farm, ride horses, feed goats, watch the ducks fall in line, and take a plunge in a nearby river.

Here are some of the best Farm Visits you can do in Australia:


Photo Credit: www.mountvernon.org
via mountvernon.org

Visit an Animal Shelter or Your Local RSPCA

Kids can join educational-based programs about animals which include hands-on service projects for animal care. Plus who doesn’t love going to give the animals a bit of love!  You may even end up with a new member of the family!

We go to our local RSPCA regularly as a family just to give the animals a bit of love!

Photo Credit: http://www.planetdogblog.com
via happyschoolbreak.com

Have a Family Game of Mini Golf

Mini golf is a terrific whole-family activity that is beloved by people of all ages! Google the nearest location to you!

18 Holes of Mini Golf
via groupon.com.au

Visit Your Local Botanical Gardens

Botanical gardens may sound like a huge snooze fest – but they are a treasure of beauty and information.  Join a guided tour and have the kids identify some of the better-known species of plants!

via wellingtonnz.com

Go Bird Watching

Some kids are interested in learning more about their feathery friends in the sky. They can learn how to build a bird’s nest or put bird treats if there are trees nearby. They can write in their bird journal the birds they have seen.

Photo Credit: http://www.the-soc.org.uk
via aproposconservatories.co.uk

Go for a Nature Walk

It is much healthier when you turn a walk into a nature walk with your children. This gives them the opportunity to explore and appreciate the natural world. Check out any local river walks or trails at National Parks.

Photo Credit: www.huffingtonpost.com
via guelphmercury.com

Do a Morning Boot Sale

Kids can sort the toys, books, and clothes that they are no longer using – they love selling their old stuff.

Photo Credit: daisylets.wordpress.com
Photo Credit: daisylets.wordpress.com

Visit a Thrift Shop

Visit your local thrift shops. You might get amazed by your child’s cheap finds. Give them a small budget and see what they come home with.

Photo Credit: www.iblog4boys.com
Photo Credit: http://www.iblog4boys.com

Do House Hop Playdates

Parents join forces to fight against school holiday boredom! Have the kids with their friends play any games every day in different homes. At least they don’t have to go for a sleepover, so who’s home next for the teddy bear tea party tomorrow?

via carolynm516.wordpress.com

Arts and Crafts Activities to Do On School Holidays

Hold a Cup-Stacking Contest

No doubt being the boys’ favourite, but the girls can get into the fun too!  Hop onto Youtube to see some amazing cup-stacking videos!

Have a Mini Wonder Terrarium Kids Activity

This is a very easy and cute terrarium that will definitely make the mummy-kiddo bonding time on the table a fun learning experience. Here’s a DIY Terrarium Craft for Kids: Make a Gnome Garden tutorial.

via hoomdsgn.com

Make and Play with PlayDough

Don’t you find it cute watching your child’s face with the tongue out while concentrating on forming shapes out of clay?

We have an easy recipe on how to make Play Dough at home.

Grab this 36 pack case of Play-Doh for only $52

Make a Box Village

Don?t throw those used milk and juice cartons and cereal boxes in the rubbish bin! If they are still in good shape, then have fun with kids by building a city out of boxes. Even better – if you get loads of online deliveries in boxes over Christmas – keep them and make a cardboard box city!

Perfect for 10 years and under

Photo Credit: www.iranekhalagh.com
via mumsgrapevine.com.au

Create Story Stones

Sky’s the limit in terms of the characters you illustrate on your stones. You can collect as many stones as you want and use either acrylic paints or the oil-based sharpie. I suggest the Nature of art for kids? brand of acrylic paints, or you can also buy the Liquicryl.

Photo Credit: www.craftingconnections.net
via tinyme.com

Play Balloon Games

Choose from Balloon Stomp (fill pre-blown balloons with lolly treats,) or Valley Balloon that they can play outside. Both old fashion balloon games will surely get them energised.

Photo Credit: kindergartenbasics.blogspot.com
via lugezi.com

Do Knitting and Crocheting

I bet the little fashionistas love to flaunt their pretty knitted carry bags, hats and long vests when school term begins, crocheting is a lovely idea to spur on the designer in them.

You can pick up wool and knitting needles from your local craft shop.

Make Balloon and Ping Pong Plates

Balloon ping pong is a fun indoor or outdoor game for kids and would only need basic supplies to make. Have the kids design the paper plates and then tape the craft sticks at the back of each paper plate to create paddles. They can now hit the balloon back and forth.

Photo Credit: erins2centz.blogspot.com
via remodelaholic.com

Make a Ladybug House or a Bee Hotel

Kiddos can show their love to cute ladybugs by making them a nice and comfy home. During school holidays, kids have more time to explore the trees with ladybugs, collect them and move them to a new home.

Photo Credit: http://hdimagegallery.net
via pinterest.ph

Create a Constellation in a Jar

Even us as kids, dreamt of touching the bright stars we gaze at night. There’s a version of that you can keep in your kids’ room. The how-tos can be found here.

via cutoutandkeep.net

Sporty Activities To Do on School Holidays

Visit a Trampoline Park

Bouncing high is crazy fun! Kids love it, and it’s the best way to wear them out. You can either purchase your own trampoline or visit SKY ZONE Trampoline Park or BOUNCE (Tingalpa) if it is not too far from your location.

Credit Photo: michaeltuuk.wordpress.com
Credit Photo: http://www.michaeltuuk.wordpress.com

Play Beach Cricket

Both parents and their children can have a great bonding moment at the beach playing cricket. This sport has the benefits of eye coordination and physical fitness.

Photo Credit: http://www.emmasweekend.com
via paradoxpsych.com

Check Out a New Mountain Bike Track

There is an app called Trail Forks that tells you where all the Mountain Bike Tracks are in Australia!  Find a new one and give it a go!

via cicloturismo.it

Play Mini Golf

Try adding another level of entertainment on your mini golf, put some stuffed toys, colourful flags or whatever you can add and make a fun theme.

Photo Credit: http://www.kixcereal.com
via amustardseedtoys.com

Go Roller Skating

Skating is hip, enjoyable and a great morning exercise around your neighbourhood. Or check out your local skating rink – they still exist!

Kids Roller Derbe Adjustable Roller Skates – Only $49.99

Go Ice Skating!

Ice Skating is something not many Aussie kids get the chance to do – but if it is stinking hot – what is better than having fun in a freezer!  There are loads of ice rinks around the country!

Epic Adventurous Activities for School Holidays

Take a Steam Train Ride

There are still a couple of old steam trains around the trap. Make a day of it and take the whole family – even grab Nanna!  The Mary Valley Rattler in Gympie has just started running again – only two hours drive north of Brisbane.

In Melbourne, there is Puffing Billy who steams along the Dandenong Ranges. And in Tasmania is the West Coast Wilderness Railway.

Mary Valley Rattler Steam Train Experience Wednesday
The Mary Valley Rattler goes from Gympie

Visit the Zoo

No matter how old you are, the zoo is a family outing that really creates memories forever!  And here in Australia, we have some of the very best zoo’s in the entire world.

Some of those include:

  • Werribee Open Range Zoo (VIC)
  • Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary (QLD)
  • Sea Life Aquarium (QLD)
  • Australia Zoo (QLD)
  • National Zoo (ACT)
  • Healesville Sanctuary (Victoria)
  • Featherdale Wildlife Park (NSW)
  • Wild Life Sydney (NSW)
  • Sea Life Aquarium (Sydney)
100 Things To Do On School Holidays | Stay at Home Mum

Visit a Theme Park

Australia has loads of theme parks now (we even have a list of them!) and there is more and more every day in every state!

3 Day Pass: Warner Bros. Movie World, Sea World & Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast

Go on the High Ropes

High Ropes are a fun and safe way for the family to be dare-devils (without having to worry about them).  Even if you are scared of heights, High Ropes are a fun way to explore the tops of the forest!

High Ropes & Flying Fox Adventure - Sunshine Coast

Nope, no one’s going to complain about boredom these school holidays!

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