40+ People Share Stories To Describe What a Vagina Tastes Like

person holding a sliced melon

Have you ever wondered.. what does a vagina tastes like?!

person holding a sliced melon

For ages, men and women alike are really curious about what a vagina tastes like…and now it has been answered!

We’ve squandered all over Reddit and we found this:

The comments were so interesting so we gathered these juicy 40 vajayjay comments from what people are saying about the taste of the precious lady garden.

1. A Rusty Coin

A friend who shall remain anonymous said he’d only tried it once….  And a rusty coin is what he compared it to.

2. Like Salted Fish and Pennies….

“Like salted fish and pennies, but it a good way….”

3. Oniony

“This is a good description. It’s like an onion to me. It doesn’t have any flavour, but it has an aroma and chemical compounds that give the impression of taste…

4. It Tastes like an Armpit

“It either tastes like nothing, or kind of like what your armpit tastes like after a day of not showering.”

5. Pork Products

“So watery….yet with a smack of ham to it!”

6. Unflavoured Yogurt

“Pee, at first, then unflavored yogurt. Especially if you dip your tongue into her hole. Otherwise you kind of lick away the flavour and it’s just fleshy, no flavour, and that musky pungent smell.”

7. Sour and Tangy

“Person/hygiene/diet? I might say there is a sour or tang to the taste. Do you know what I mean?”

8. Huh?

“I think vagina tastes like Puppy breath smells.”

9. So Descriptive..

“A vagina doesn’t taste like coins, but more the taste of your sweat after you have been holding coins for a while and then lick your palm”

10. Blissful

“A vagina tastes like transcendent, fucking, bliss.”

11. Combo Taste…yum!

A vagina tastes like a hint of salt but a sweet taste to it.”

12. Seriously?

“Eat a snack-sized bag of Chili Cheese Fritos and then bite into a Granny Smith Apple, that’s what a vagina tastes like.”

13. Squishy and Squid-like

“A vagina tastes like you are licking a dead squid. It’s awesome”.

14. She’s like a Drug

“Nectar, water, salt, and citrus, mingled with the scent of her hair and her skin and her sweat. It is intoxicating and heady, in all the best ways. If it tastes/smells like fish, she needs to see her gyno and get checked for bacterial vaginosis (bv).”

15. Vagina Tastes Like a Metal Spoon

“First time I ever got to that stage with a girl, I was feeling a little uneasy about eating her out, so I thought to myself “Hey, maybe it would be better to finger her and then taste my fingers to find out what a vagina tastes like”. I did the deed, pulled my index and middle finger out (they were moist) and then decided to taste it. My verdict is that a vagina tastes just like a metal spoon.”

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16. Her Vagina Tastes Different Depending on Her Diet

“How a vagina tastes does depend on the girl and her diet. But for the most part, a vagina tastes a little acidic, a little fishy sometimes, and peppery with a moist wet aroma. The musk would be similar to how your crotch smells since it is in the same area. I do remember having to hold my breath when I went down on my ex. You are licking the same area where her piss comes out of.”

17. Cheers and Let’s Drink to That!

“I think a Vagina tastes like metallic beer.”

18. Honey Soy Flavoured Chips

“A vagina tastes like honey soy chicken flavoured chips, 10 minutes after you have eaten them.”

19. Basically Bliss

“The outer lips move with the suppleness of your ear lobes. Soft, plump and you then catch the scent of the muskiness. That healthy primal warmth of the intimate perspiration a bit like a neck after a heavy work-out. The first feel of her taste is as slick as canned peaches. Her melt itself is that of, I can only weakly describe as, a slight caffeine bitterness mixed with a creamy.. bliss.”

20. A Nine-Volt Battery

“Vaginas tastes like a nine-volt battery that has been sitting in the drawer for a year or two.”

21. Wet Meat

A vagina doesn’t really have a specific taste, but the smell makes me imagine one. Like… Wet… Meat.”

22. Sometimes Fruity and Sometimes Dinghy

“My wife tastes like tangerines. Lately, she has been eating a lot of broccoli and it tastes really dinghy and acidic.”

23. The cross between a Lemon and a Battery

“Citrusy and rusty at the same time.”

24. A Raw Dead Chicken

“A vagina tastes like raw chicken. Obviously, a dead chicken from the grocery store uncooked. Buy one and lick it. Or lick the back of your hand let it dry and smell it.”

25. It’s just delicious!

“Depends on the girl. Some are kinda metallic. Some taste like not much of anything. Some are sweet, some are a little saltier. Goto is to say it’s delicious.”

Designer Vagina | Stay at Home Mum

26. Sour Patch Candy

“It has an acidic kind of sour-ish taste. Suck on a sour patch kids candy. That’s not far off.”

27. It doesn’t taste good the way a watermelon tastes good

“A vagina doesn’t taste good the way a watermelon tastes good, I think it’s more the mental idea that this is a coochie in my mouth and this is how it tastes and fuck that’s awesome. So basically, if something that wasn’t vag tasted like a vag.”

28. Her Vagina tastes Sweet because she’s diabetic!

“I’ve only eaten one woman’s vagina and it was, in fact, an enjoyable experience.  Her vagina tasted sweet. It wasn’t until a few months later I read an article that stated how vaginal secretions are mostly blood plasma and I put two and two together, she was a diabetic.”

29. Pussy Psychic

“Ahahaha (diabetic here) my first boyfriend said to me one time “Your vagina tastes sweet today”. I thought he was trying to be cute but then he’s like “No seriously, sweet like sugar”… So I tested my blood and I was way higher than I should have been… He became the pussy psychic and would tell me when I needed insulin.”

30. It Tastes like Heaven

“The taste of a vagina depends on the hygiene habits of the woman, but most coochies I’ve tasted were heavenly and I couldn’t get enough.”

31. She is what she eats…

“She is what she eats when you eat her.. so if her diet is heavy on fruits and veggie stuff like that? (no asparagus please) Her vagina tastes sweet.  If she has a meat-driven garlic pizza with pepperoni and fish cakes type of diet? One serving is enough.”

40+ People Share Stories To Describe What a Vagina Tastes Like | Stay At Home Mum

32. Such a unique taste  – it’s like a sex fingerprint

“There have been some not-so-great vaginas in my past. But on the whole, I’d say I genuinely enjoy the taste of a woman’s vagina. A vagina has such a unique taste and everybody is different – it’s like their sex fingerprint.

It’s not like I want vagina-flavored something, but the flavor of the vagina is generally pleasant to me.”

33. Like Regret…

“Good pussy tastes like basically nothing. Bad pussy tastes like regret.”

34. A Sip from the Oasis

“It’s not the taste of a vagina, it’s the want. Pure desire is what makes me love every aspect of it. Like a thirsty man in the desert taking his first sip from an oasis pond.”

35. Honey, my love, so sweet!

“A woman vagina tastes depending on what she eats, my wife’s pussy actually tastes like honey. I am ridiculously lucky.”

36. Ummm Seriously?

“Vagina tastes like the fan exhaust of a PS4”

37. Tangy

“I’m not a man but a queer/bi woman and fucking hell do I love pussy, I like the way my own vagina tastes too but I have yet to have a bad experience going down on another woman. It’s just the most delightful tangy flavour and since I associate the taste with the pleasure of topping someone I care about it gets me going like no other.

I feel the same way about giving blow jobs when I’m with men. Maybe I just like sex fluids, I just enjoy tasting the essence of my partner and showing them how much I desire them.” 

38. Vagina’s Taste Like an Oyster

“I find the vagina taste a tiny bit salty, almost like an oyster.  An oyster doesn’t have much taste but has a salty aftertaste… That’s what a vagina tastes like.”

39. Like Body Odour – But In a Good Way

“You know how when you lick your arm after you have been sweating, it tastes a bit like body odour but not in a bad way – that’s what I think vagina tastes like.”

40. Distilled Sex Sweat

“This might sound foul but it’s not.  Vagina tastes like distilled sex sweat. You know how sex sweat smells good, unlike gym sweat.  It’s like that”

Well, we hope you had an entertaining time reading these comments! What do you think? Do you agree with them?

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